How to pass an interview

+61 votes
asked Mar 20, 2018 in Career & Work by EuniceQac88 (140 points)
edited Jul 14, 2018
I'll have an important interview next week, which makes me very nervous. I really want to pass the interview. Could you please provide me some tips to help me? Any ideas are welcome!

1 Answer

+16 votes
answered Apr 27, 2018 by JerrellLetch (170 points)
edited Jun 1, 2019

Interviews can be intimidating, but if you are well prepared then you will know how to pass an interview. Your CV has already impressed the recruiter, so now is your time to shine. Even if you’re feeling a bit anxious, stay confident, make eye contact, and smile. Follow this advice to get you prepared for your meeting, and you will find some good hints on how to pass an interview.

Before the Interview

1. Be Informed

Make sure to gather as much information about the company or organization as possible before your interview. It is also helpful if you are well informed about the position you are applying for. Study the company’s website as if it were a textbook, and read up on social networking sites like LinkedIn where you can find valuable information about the organization’s corporate culture.

2. Organize Your Schedule

Plan your itinerary carefully, and don’t cram too much into your schedule on the day of the interview. Make sure you are clear on the office’s location and how to get there, and then decide on your mode of transportation. Leave ample time for travel, and if something gets in the way, call the interviewer to let them know right away. By taking all the necessary precautions, you’ll arrive early which is always better than arriving on time, or worse—late.

3. Be Prepared

Make sure you bring everything necessary with you. This includes a few copies of your resume, reference letters, work samples and portfolios, certificates and achievements.

4. Know What to Say

Practicing answers for typical interview questions beforehand is a great way to ease the tension and be ready for the interview. Also, don’t forget to prepare some well thought out questions you would like to ask the interviewer about the position and the company. Practicing what you’re going to say is important for how to pass an interview.

Interview Day

1. Dress the Part

They say you should dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Your appearance is important, and you should dress appropriately for the position you are interviewing for. Wanting to make a good impression will reflect well on you if you ask the hiring manager about the organization’s dress code prior to the interview.

2. Arrive on Time

As mentioned earlier, arriving early is best, but not too early. If you do arrive too early, wait outside or in your car, or in a coffee shop nearby and think about how to pass an interview while you pass the time. Showing up with too much time to spare could stress out your interviewer, especially if they are busy. Being late is almost always unacceptable, so do whatever it takes to make sure that does not happen.

3. Relax

Do your best to stay calm. Everyone knows that interviews can be nerve inducing, but try not to let it get the best of you. Take deep breaths, smile and be thoughtful and sincere in your conversation with the interviewer. They know you’re nervous too, but it’s important to not show it.

4. Listen

Keep your head clear and focused. Look into the face of your interviewer and listen carefully to the questions they’re asking you. If you’re not clear on what they said, you can ask them to repeat it and once you understand, then you can respond considerately.

5. Stay Positive

Smile and be positive in every interaction with the recruiter leading up to the interview and on the day of. Never complain about how you couldn’t find a parking space, or how the train was delayed, and definitely never talk negatively about your previous employer. Also of importance, make sure to thank the recruiter for the opportunity to meet them, and for the invitation to interview.

6. Give Organized Answers

You’ll thank yourself later for the preparations you did at home. Stay on your chronological timeline without jumping around from subject to subject. Do not go back on your answers to add something you forgot to say. You will come off as confused and unorganized. Stay on topic, and make sure your answers are relevant and interesting.

7. Have Confidence

But don’t be arrogant. You’ve got to be sure enough of yourself to highlight your experience, education, and strengths without overestimating. It’s okay to let your personality shine, and it’s a good thing when you know what you are worth. Staying confident will work in your favor, as this is one of the most important factors in how to pass an interview.

8. Salary

There is no doubt that the topic of salary will come up in your interview, so it’s best to be prepared for this question. Do some research about the financial compensation appropriate for the position you’re going for, and give yourself a standard. Don’t request too high of a salary, but be clear on what you deserve for what.

9. Ask for the Job

Emphasize your interest in the position by inquiring about the next steps on the interview process. Give your interviewer an example of what you could do straight away to make a positive impact on the company. Find out what else is required from you to secure the position, and if there are more interviewees scheduled. Don’t be shy, be aggressive but polite.

Other Practical Suggestions

1. Wear Blue Clothes

Blue is the color of loyalty and trust. Wearing a blue suit will leave an unconscious impression on the recruiter that you are trustworthy and loyal.

2. Don’t Panic

People can be clumsy sometimes, so if you fumble and drop something, make no fuss about picking it up. By calmly reversing the mistake without giving it any attention expresses high self-esteem.

3. Take Deep Breaths

When we become nervous or anxious, our breath can stop without noticing. This can lead to higher stress levels with lack of oxygen in the blood. Stay conscious of your breath, and it will be easier to stay calm.

4. Read the Interviewer’s Personality

Use face reading techniques to distinguish some of the personality traits of your recruiter. This can help you reframe your answers in order to please him or her best without annoying them.

5. Don’t Get Annoyed

Some interviewers are quite skilled, and they’ve certainly got some tricks up their sleeves. One game they can play is interrupting you incessantly to see how you respond. The goal is to test your communication abilities and your patience.

Questions Preparation

1. Questions You Might Be Asked

  • Start off by telling me a little bit about yourself.
  • What are some of your greatest professional strengths?
  • What would you consider to be your weaknesses?
  • In five years, where do you see yourself?
  • What type of work environment is ideal for you?

2. Questions for the Interviewer

  • Can you give me an example of the kind of projects I would be working on?
  • What are some of the challenges someone in this position might face?
  • Are the opportunities for advancement and professional development?
  • What is your favorite part about working here?
  • What gets you excited about the company’s future?

Wish my answer could help you ^_^

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