Why can’t I add someone on Facebook?

+17 votes
asked Oct 19, 2018 in Computers & Electronics by kayleigh (750 points)
edited Aug 4, 2019
Help! I recently made a friend and when I try to add her on Facebook later on, I can’t add her to my friend list. Is it possible to set a setting so you can’t have others add you on Facebook? Or is there some other reasons?

1 Answer

+30 votes
answered Jun 18, 2019 by Cassandra (1,080 points)
edited Aug 3, 2019
It is actually possible to set privacy settings in a way so that others can’t see your “Add Friend” button. So if others set the profile that way, you won’t be able to add them. In addition, you are only able to send a friend request once, unless it gets rejected. Friend request should only be sent to someone you personally know for security reasons.

If you feel a friend request is unwelcomed, you could block them from sending a friend request. You can still add them afterwards if you decide to unblock them. The friend you know personally could have blocked you or leaving it pending for as long as she wants. It is better to know a person closer before adding them anyway. Having little true friends is better than having many acquaintances.
commented Mar 30, 2015 by celeste (740 points)
edited Aug 24, 2015 by Kris
Yes, I agree. Privacy settings could mess things up. Anyway, that was why can't I add someone on Facebook.
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