Why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers?

+56 votes
asked Dec 25, 2018 in Entertainment by Couture (1,140 points)
edited Mar 21, 2019
I recently watched the Simpsons and Bob’s burger. It occurs to me that the characters in the cartoons only have 4 fingers. Then I look up a few other cartoons, such as the Family Guy and Ducktales, and found this interesting pattern! So why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers? Instead of, you know, 5? I understand if it’s for a none-human character but why avoiding the anatomic accuracy?

2 Answers

+30 votes
answered Feb 24, 2019 by Hannah (680 points)
edited Mar 24, 2019
Why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers instead of 5? Simple answer, it’s just laziness. It’s so much easier to draw a hand with 4 fingers. Considering the way animation works, which uses the same concept as drawing on a flipbook and flipping the page quickly to have the drawings appearing to move, you need to draw a lot of pictures for a single scene. To save time and, thus, money, drawing 4 fingers is more efficient while still doing the same thing a 5 fingered character could do. It’s easier to draw benefits producing the frames too, since you can leave it to the less experienced artist to fill in the gaps as the major artist completes the key scenes. Less time spent on art, while still having the same quality, means more time and money to be directed at storyboard and colour. Speaking of colour, the producers could save a finger a frame as well. The trend of simplifying body parts was created in order to boost production, while, at the same time, it has created a standard for the animation that stays till today. Anyway, doesn’t a 4 fingered character just looks more cartoony?
commented May 7, 2015 by Angelica (540 points)
Oh, I see why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers instead of 5 now. I thought there were something else.
+3 votes
answered Feb 5, 2019 by christal (1,020 points)
edited Mar 16, 2019
I think cartoon characters have 4 fingers, though some have 5 or 3 fingers which you might also noticed, is because of the humor and cuteness. Like Mickey Mouse, Sponge Bob and lots of other cute cartoon characters out there, I can’t imagine that they get 5 fingers. I simply think they are as cute and funny as the way they are created, with 4 fingers of course. But for the same reason, I can’t imagine Spiderman have 4 fingers since he’s a human being. So there you have it, why do cartoon characters have 4 fingers, in my opinion, it’s all for the fun!
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