Why do I like the smell of my farts?

+26 votes
asked Jul 3, 2018 in Health & Wellness by Mariyam (800 points)
edited Aug 14, 2019
I like the smell of my farts and always have. Do other people like the smell of their farts or am I just completely weird?

3 Answers

+15 votes
answered Aug 31, 2018 by Miranda (830 points)
edited Jun 9, 2019

This is because it is your farts.

The scientist has found that most people like smells that they know well. Some examples are Grandma’s homemade apple pie baking in the oven, certain laundry detergents and fabric softeners, the cologne Dad always wore when he and your mother went out, the smell of gasoline and oil when Grandpa was out in his garage working on motors. We like familiar smells. It is no different when it comes to our own peculiar odors. Your own farts is surely a familiar smell for you. That would be the real reason.

Although it is normal for us to possibly like our own smells and even, to others, our disgusting stenches. We normally do not like other people’s “stenches.” Things that smell bad to us are usually bad for us. Maybe being ok with our own bacterial properties (farts are bacterial) is ok but we tend to stay away from other people’s because maybe our body is keeping us safe from something bad like an infection or illness.

REFERENCE: http://www.sciencealert.com/watch-why-do-we-like-our-own-farts

+3 votes
answered Apr 27, 2019 by Jhoana (560 points)
edited Jul 24, 2019
I don’t know if I like the smell of my own farts or not but the stinkier they are, the more I just like the fact that I did that. Maybe I am demented and like to bother others. I am not sure but I think it’s funny. Sometimes I will eat things that I know will give me some real strong gas if I know I am going to be around a bunch of people.

You know, maybe I do like the smell of my own farts, cuz the worse they are, the more I want to do that again lol. Maybe I’m just sick in the head. Not sure.
+1 vote
answered Oct 2, 2018 by Candetta (760 points)
edited Apr 14, 2019
Why do I like the smell of my farts? Um….maybe you are just weird lol.

Then again, maybe because you know it’s from you and it’s safe, it is a comfort to you. Someone else’s gas may not be so safe lol.
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