Why is my period heavier than usual?

+90 votes
asked Jun 20, 2018 in Health & Wellness by JANELL (1,100 points)
edited Dec 30, 2018
I started observing my period when I was 12, now I'm 17. Normally, my period comes out very light, and lasts for as long as 7 days. But in recent times, it has become quite heavy, which makes me change more frequently. What can be responsible for this, and what can I do to correct it?

1 Answer

+12 votes
answered Oct 9, 2018 by kimberly (730 points)
edited Oct 14, 2018

A variety of underlying physical conditions may be responsible for heavy menstrual flows. This condition is known as menorrhagia, and its major cause is change in hormones.

Hormones are solely in charge of conducting the menstrual cycle. The woman's body is prepared for possible pregnancy by two female hormones - progesterone and estrogen. They do this by making the uterine (endometrium) lining thicker. This action produces the blood flow known medically as menstrual period.

Changes in the level of hormones, especially in the body of female teenagers, and the use of certain birth control pills. can cause abnormal bleeding. Excess or inadequate quantity of a certain hormone may be caused by thyroid problems or medications.

Poor blood clothing abilities can be yet another major cause of heavy menstrual flow. If the body finds it hard to induce blood clothing, this can easily lead to menstrual bleeding. Don't forget that irregular menstrual clothing: with clots no bigger than 1 inch in width occurs normally in some women. Talk to your doctor if blood clothing gives you concern. Keep a good track of the details during your menstrual cycle, and keep a note of how heavy or light your flow is on each day of the cycle and note the blood clot sizes.

This may not be the cause of your heavy flows, so below are some other major possible causes:

  • Uterine fibroids: Some noncancerous tumors grow in or on the muscular uterine walls. This is most applicable in women within the ages of 30 and 40.
  • Infection: One other major cause of this condition is the inflammation of the pelvic region. This has to do with the infection of the reproductive organs of the woman. If left unnoticed, it can lead to very serious damages, but it can be easily treated using antibiotics.
  • Extreme weight loss or weight gain: Your weight can easily be affected by high stress levels and very restricted diets, all these can induce alterations of the normal menstrual cycle.
  • Pregnancy: Some conditions that relate to pregnancy such as a miscarriage can be mistaken for a very heavy period. Once you notice bleeding during pregnancy, contact your doctor.
  • Cancer of the uterine (rare): This is the type of cancer that originates from the uterus with symptoms like unusual bleeding, painful sex, and painful urination.

Talking to your doctor is the best way to find out why you are experiencing very heavy period. Several problems such as this can be easily detected by using ultrasound or physical exam. If yours is a moderate situation, you can find some simple home remedies by visiting the following link: http://www.enkivillage.com/how-to-stop-heavy-periods.html

commented Apr 2, 2015 by Paulla (460 points)
commented Apr 3, 2015 by corrine (660 points)
Thanks for your answer. Now I know why is my period heavier than usual
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