Why are Japanese so weird?

+54 votes
asked Sep 29, 2018 in Culture & Society by Jan (740 points)
edited Jun 2, 2019
While I know it’s rude to shun other cultures, I have often wondered why Japanese people are so weird. Why is it that they seem to do everything so much differently than the rest of the world?

2 Answers

+27 votes
answered Feb 17, 2019 by Khory (870 points)
edited Jul 21, 2019
Japan is weird and Japanese are incredibly strange people. As outsiders looking in, there is nothing that the Japanese people do that seems normal in the least. While Japan has some of the most beautiful countryside and even more beauty in some of their culture there are other parts that are just strange and overshadow some of the really cool things that Japan has to offer. For example, walk down the street in Japan or even go into a local business and you will more than likely find a person taking a nap. In Japan, it’s normal to sleep anywhere that you can, especially during a work day. It implies that Japanese people are working so hard that they just have to take a nap, no matter where they can find one. Japanese people will also sell almost anything that they can to tourists. You can literally purchase live sea animals, such as sea turtles and fish, in plastic bags. You can also rent a boyfriend if you are getting ready to go to a family gathering just so you don’t have to answer questions from your relatives. Everything that happens in Japan is weird.
0 votes
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Ira (740 points)
edited Apr 29, 2019 by Kris
It’s a little bit unfair to ask why are Japanese so weird. There is nothing weird about them. In fact, I bet if you ask any of them there is nothing in their culture that they deem as weird. Maybe Japanese people think that Americans are weird, or English people are weird. Just because the Japanese have a different way of life from the rest of the world doesn’t mean that there is anything weird about how they choose to live. If you went to live in Japan, eventually the things that you thought were weird would just become a part of your everyday life. Their culture may be different from the one that you are used to living, but to them there is nothing weird about how they choose to exist. Every place in the world is just a little bit different than the next, however, that doesn’t make them weird, it just makes them culturally different from you and me.
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