Why are my toenails turning yellow?

+17 votes
asked Mar 23, 2018 in Health & Wellness by Justine (890 points)
edited Nov 10, 2018
I am really freaking out right now. I just noticed about a week ago that my big toe started getting a yellow tint to it. Now, most of my toes are getting the same yellow tint and now my big toes are looking almost a golden color. What is happening to my toes? Why are they turning yellow? ARRGGGHHHHH!!!!

1 Answer

+12 votes
answered Feb 27, 2019 by jacquie (1,070 points)
edited Mar 16, 2019

Have you been wearing more yellow colored socks or yellow shoes without socks? I hope this solves your problem but if not, there may be other reasons (mostly medically) why your toes are turning yellow.

  1. Nail polish might be the problem. If you’ve ever seen someone after they have done a home hair dye, you will usually notice it will stain the skin, the sink, the floor, their clothes, a towel…it can be bad…and the darker the dye, the worse it stains. Nail polish can kind of stain your nails the same way. Formaldehyde (yes, the chemical used in embalming dead bodies) is found in most nail polishes, with a greater content found in darker colors. This chemical will cause yellowing of nails because of a chemical reaction it has with the natural protein (keratin protein) that is found in your nails. If you use darker nail polishes, try going without nail polish for about a month and see if your nails return to their normal state.
  2. If you smoke cigarettes, doing so can stain both skin and nails (and walls, windows, curtains, etc.). This staining comes from the tar and nicotine in the cigarette.
  3. You may have a fungal infection. If your feet are constantly wet (either from sweat or a wet environment) and/or if you constantly have them in socks and shoes (not ever letting them breathe), you could have a fungal infection. Other causes for nail fungus can be a sedentary lifestyle, bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. All of these causes can cause circulation to be lack in your limbs (especially your feet). When the blood does not circulate, cells are left vulnerable to fungus infections and also makes healing much more difficult. Circulation can become slower as we age also, allowing fungus infections to inhabit and grow.
  4. You may have a genetic issue called “yellow nail syndrome.” Unfortunately there is no known cause or cure for this issue.
  5. Or you may even have something worse. You may have a circulatory system condition called “Lymphedema.” This condition stops fluid from draining which causes swelling. This also leads to bad circulation which can allow fungus to inhabit and grow.

A good article to read on yellow nails is http://www.enkivillage.com/yellow-toenails.html.  Also…you should probably see your doctor if you know for sure that the yellowing is not caused by smoking, nail polish or yellow foot wear!

commented Mar 20, 2015 by Doce (830 points)
Why are my toenails turning yellow? I have the same issue, please help me! Is there anything I can do? Do I have to visit the doctor????
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